About PBA Clubs
PBA member clubs provide the best and quickest way for anyone to learn about bonsai horticulture and design. Members further their knowledge at monthly club meetings, via lectures, workshops and mentoring programs. Each member club develops its own educational program. These programs include lectures on bonsai horticulture, bonsai styling demonstrations and discussions, and workshops. These programs may be presented by club members or bonsai professionals brought in expressly for the club’s membership. Workshops cover a range of topics from beginner to advanced levels. They also allow individuals to work on their own trees or on trees provided for the workshop. All PBA member clubs encourage club members to bring in their trees to meetings for discussion, suggestions and help.
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Becoming an Affiliated Club
Bonsai clubs and their members benefit from joining PBA in a number of ways.
- Affiliated clubs support the annual PBA Bonsai Festival bringing vendors, guest artists, and exhibition opportunities to the DMV. The PBA Festival promotes bonsai enjoyment in our region which benefits all clubs and club membership.
- PBA and the NBF direct interested individuals to PBA affiliated clubs to support and build future membership.
- Club members of each PBA member club are considered members of PBA and may participate in PBA activities, exhibitions, auctions, and other PBA member club meetings and activities.
- Experienced bonsai practitioners, teachers, and mentors from other PBA clubs are available to provide instruction, presentations, and workshops to your club.
- Your club President will be on the governing board for PBA as a voting member.
- The network of PBA clubs broadens the audience for your events.
Joining is easy. If you want to be a member club, send us a letter stating this and provide contact information for your club President. Member clubs pay dues of $10.00 per club member annually to PBA to support PBA programming and events.